Brian Tran Physiotherapist Chiropractor Milsons Point Kirribilli North Sydney Cremorne

Physiotherapist and Chiropractor in Willoughby

Brian Tran

Brian is a Physiotherapist and Chiropractor who consults at Willoughby Health. He is one of the few people that are dual qualified as both a Physiotherapist and Chiropractor, and has over 12 years clinical experience. He also consults at our Milsons Point, Dural, and Blacktown clinics.

Brian has a special interest in managing complex spinal (lower back and neck), shoulder, foot, and workplace injuries. He approaches persistent conditions as unique puzzles, which require a logical approach to help address the many contributing factors. He has a unique ability to explain things in a way people can easily understand, and can use a wide range of treatments, exercise, and advice to help people best achieve their goals.

Brian is currently completing his Masters of Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy at La Trobe University. He plans to one day become recognised as a Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist, one of the highest levels of achievement for Physiotherapy in Australia

Get to know the other sides of Brian

Outside of work Brian is not just a Physio and Chiro...



Brian loves jetsetting away to different destinations around the world, especially to places where he can experience new cultures and eat his way through all the yummy cuisines!


Closet Muso

Not a lot of people know this, but Brian used to be in a band! So from time to time, he'll bring out the guitar or keyboard to remind him of the good ol' days when he was jamming out with his mates in the garage.

Fruit trees


When Brian's not at the clinic, you'll find him tending to his garden in the backyard. Brian is currently growing all different kinds of fruit and veggies, from ginger, dragonfruit and mangoes to guavas, citrus, rockmelon and figs.

Brian's recent blog posts

Ready to book a session with Brian?
Call us on 02 9190 7588 today!
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